Del Valle Water Systems Master Study
The Del Valle Regional Park is owned and operated by East Bay Regional Park District. The existing Water System provides potable, fire, and irrigation water for this Park. The Park offers recreational day use areas, family campgrounds, swim beaches, hiking and horse trails, and Park District staff facilities.
The design team collaborated to produce the Water Systems Demands Analysis Report. The Report includes existing system assessment and demands. The Report concluded with future recommendations for several optional approaches to upgrade or otherwise improve the site’s water system.
EcoFolia Design utilized current site information and surveys, with irrigation record drawings to provide written existing irrigation system assessment, and demand calculations. We then provided written recommendations for improvements for the irrigation portion of the Park’s water system. The recommended improvements were developed per meetings with District Operational and Maintenance Staff, to obtain their boots on the ground insights.
The Park District will utilize this Study to investigate different options for replacement and upgrades for the water system.