EcoFolia Design offers years of landscape design experience, on all phases of design work. Our focus is on environmental stewardship which brings sustainability to projects. Projects have high environmental value, due to our knowledge of native plants, efficient irrigation systems, onsite stormwater treatment methods, and use of sustainable materials.
Cindy Angers, the founder of EcoFolia Design, is a licensed California Landscape Architect, is LEED Accredited, and QSD/P and CPESC Certified. With 10 years’ experience in civil engineering, and over 10 years in Landscape Architecture, she brings a practical and experienced approach to all projects. She subscribes to the concept that ‘form follows function’ so understands that the space needs to perform its functions while meeting the prescribed aesthetic.
Her practical approach, clear communication skills, and efficient project management, lead to providing the client with a landscape that truly meets their needs and wants. Her breadth of project experience provides an understanding of all phases of design work, from conceptual design, into construction documentation, and then construction observation.
Ms. Angers has both landscape and civil experience in working on large, often multi-agency projects, such as roadway, trails and open space projects, where communication and coordination is critical. Her previous engineering experience strengthens her landscape design skills, especially irrigation design, design team coordination, project management, and budget management.
Ms. Angers has also gained experience through years of Pro Bono and volunteering work for several watershed community groups. She is currently serving as Advisory Board member for the Tri-Valley Adopt A Creek Spot/Trash Reduction program, Tri-Valley Conservancy volunteer Stewardship Associate, Bringing Back the Natives events support, and local park district’s volunteer-group member. Past efforts has included Alameda Creek Watershed Council board member, and is a long-time member of Friends of the Arroyos/Granada Native Gardens.
This Pro-Bono/Volunteer work includes City wide trash abatement program support, open space properties monitoring, assessment and recommended improvements for trails, and maintenance for open space parks amenities.
Years of her efforts has led to a wealth of watershed, public park and open space management and maintenance knowledge, as well as close connections within the watershed, and native plant community.
Educational and Training Certification/Licensure
PLA Professional Licensed Landscape Architect in California and Colorado
QSD/P Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner
CPESC Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control
BFQP Bay Friendly Qualified Professional
LEED AP Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
QWEL Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper